Day 1 of Bicentennial Festivities!
I have posted some pictures thus far to the following link
Last night this lovely small group (Delisa, Katie, Ryan, Rommel and I) went to a recommended restaurant in La Boca. There's always a story otherwise the blog would be boring!!!
The restaurant is called El Orbrero. It is located at Agustin Caffanera 64 in La Boca just a few blocks from Puerto Madero. In a nutshell both taxis that took us got lost - REALLY lost. What is wrong with these Taxistas? They say they'll take you, they have no idea where they are going and then they get lost and still have no idea where they are going! Thank goodness I had stressed the idea we take a radio taxi and the taxi driver called in and asked for directions and they were still wrong - twice.
Now mind you, La Boca - has 1 block (Caminito) that is ok to hang out in, during the daytime and that's it!!! The rest is kind of scary and not safe. And because we were lost the cab driver was scolding me for being in this part of the city, "there are plenty of other places to eat in the city." SO this blog is for my dad who so wanted me to try it since a friend of his highly recommended it. AND it was very good and completely all locals and very fresh and very loud and family-like. We had an easier time of leaving the place!
We made reservations for 9:00pm and boy did we arrive just in time. The place by 9:30 and 10 was packed.
Today we ate at our favorite healthy place for late breakfast /normal lunch El Origen. I still have to say their food is so delicious. So healthy, delicious and I love it. It appears that everyone we take there loves it too!!!
Today also began the festivities of the Bicentennial. 9 de Julio, the major street is completely cut off for the next several days for parades and live performances and stalls. Today was the parade of the Provinces - each province was represented in some form. Hard to see too much with all the throngs of people but interesting some of the floats. The Mendoza float was really nice. Cordoba had some big truck with a band on it playing salsa music! some interesting costumes... i really wanted to see some dances but missed all of that....
So everyone made their way out dancing tonite and I wanted to stay in and catch up on the blog and reading... Delisa went out earlier with Lindsay and Katie and Ryan caught up with Rommel and I after their afternoon of Ryan playing some Ultimate Frisbee. Ryan, Katie and I went for some dinner and it was nearly 11pm - that restaurant was packed. They took off for Tango at Cachirulo which shouldn't have been too difficult to get to since they didn't have to pass over 9 de Julio... we'll see how it went. I hope that everyone had fun.
Rommel and I have our list of todo's before the tour begins.
Maybe we will check out some more of the Fiestas tomorrow....