A New Week

R & D & Acacia in BATo say that the last week has been a whirlwind would be an understatement. We have been doing private classes, group classes, milongas, trying to stay healthy, dealing with rain and torrential down pours, 1 day of sun, clouds, cold - whoosh! But none-the-less so far, so good!La Maestra has recommended that we take a workshop that begins today with 8 of the oldies but goodies. It's 4 days with 1.5 hours with each teacher, 2 per day. It's called Maestros de Maestros. It's a good opportunity to learn from those who are the oldest, as for what they know, goes with them if they don't pass it on..... So that begins today.And the rain has stopped!I find that one of the funnest reasons to be here in BA is to catch up with people who I R & D and Yumikohaven't seen in a long time. I finally ran into a tango friend from England who I haven't seen since teacher training in 2006. How great to catch up. Also have connected with a family from a visit to Charleston. It's amazing how tango brings people together even after a long time apart!!!It appears that the Festival of events that accompany the Mundial are posted.http://www.tangobuenosaires.gob.ar/festivalymundial12/web/es/events/index.htmlAll these events are free! It's so exciting!!! I have already seen some really really beautiful dancers at some of the milongas. It appears that the overall attendance at the milongas I have been to are low. And this is not surprising. I am still dying to know how many people are competing this year.....As I prepare to head out today, I share with you a tango reminder. I have been working on not collapsing my torso on the closed side of the embrace. It appears that I have acquired a habit of shortening the left side of my torso (picture a sideways bend, but not so dramatically!). Ladies, pay attention to this in your own bodies, making sure that your torso is not compromised in anyway in your embraces.Keep dancing!     


"It's an Art, not Gymnastics"


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