No Semifinals for this Couple But NPR Interview

We had heard last night from those who were at the announcement of those passing that we had not. But we chose not to share until we had seen it in writing. Rommel and I did not make it to the semifinals. We are a bit disappointed and unsure why. We also know that we had a lot of habits to retrain and a look to maintain that were basically new for our dancing. I thought we danced well and so did Graciela. Some of the couples points are very interesting. I guess, again, it comes down to such a subjective thing. I still think there must be something very specific that the judges are told to look for. I will try to check out the semifinals and see what that might be. The attached link gives the names of the couples and their final points at the end of the classifying rounds. to everyone again for their continued support on this amazing journey. Rommel and I are excited to bring all that we have learned into our teaching environments.On another note, here is my interview with NPR's Tell Me More program which I don't think airs in Arizona. 


El hombre que no marca no baila


Cheer for Couple Number....