Necking? or are you a chin jutter?
My students will often ask me when we start working with the embrace, "where do I put my head?" And this is such a great question. In our desire to have the cuddly tango feel inside the embrace we often sacrifice our posture beginning specifically with the head. I see it in followers who reach their necks to search for the leader's cheek or the leaders who cock their heads either towards or away from the follower to the same end. I used to be one of those followers, jutting my chin forward to get just a little closer to my partner.Besides being out of alignment it's disrupting proper functioning of the organization of my cervical spine. What to do?Graciela had 1 image for followers that I have worked with and now with my Restorative Exercise Specialist (TM) training that I am doing, it all ties in. Don't squash your neck vertebra. Graciela's image that I adopted, that some of you have probably heard me say before is "the fountain". The idea starts farther down the body but the ending image is that there is water that shoots out the top of your head - if you aim your head correctly you will shoot water over your partner and not get yourself wet. I know that Homer & Christina have been heard to say "nose back". And in the end if none of those work for you just consider dropping your chin. I think this works effectively for leaders as well.When you get into your embrace consider your person and your alignment in relation to the other person. As opposed to reaching for them with your head or neck. Arms are made for reaching, touching, embracing, not the face...
In proper alignment we want to have our ears in line with our shoulder. Or imagine your head like a ball and roll it so you are looking down and placing your chin on your chest (if you can get it there) then roll it back. So next time you get into embrace don't be so eager to snuggle, take your time and go for long necks and proper placement. Your body will thank you over the long run.Thanks to my models: Acacia, Ganesh, Tyler