The Most Exciting, Sexy, Hottest Moment in Argentine Tango!
About a year ago I found myself at a festival, being introduced to another dancer from somewhere down south (and to protect his identity we'll keep it like that!). And this introduction had the implication that we would dance at some point that evening. The pressure was on then... This always makes me a little uneasy. He was introduced to me, he didn't choose me and I didn't choose him either! What if he really didn't want to dance with me at all? I didn't get to see him dance. Dancing with someone new is part of what tango is all about but an introduction can sometimes backfire as there is a feeling of pressure on both parts.Little did I know that this person would set a precedence for tango dances to come.So the time came for us to dance. I don't remember whether in the end it was a cabeceo or we were just at the right place at the right time at the same time but however it went, we headed to the dance floor. I stood in front of this partner, and as we waited for the music to begin there was little of the usual chit chat. The music began, he placed both of his hands gently and firmly on my ribs, and he waited, listening intently to the music or maybe to my heart that began racing in anticipation. His slow approach into the embrace transported me to memories of watching a black and white movie and scoffing at the idea that women actually swooned. I think I could have swooned in that moment from the anticipation and the excitement of this preclude. From his hands on my ribs his right arm continued its journey along my back and his left arm found my right arm hanging by my side as he gradually passed his hand along my forearm until he found my hand in his. Next thing I knew we were embracing and moving together in this passionate dance that was reignited for me in that moment.Phew! just thinking about it makes me long for that focus-filled attentive embrace again.How do you embrace? Are you anxious to jump into someone's arms? Do you miss out on the WHOLE experience? And incidentally he is one of my most favorite dancers and a delicious embrace like that helps his rankings!