Finals - day 4 - The End (part 1)
Ok - so we didn't get first place and that's disappointing but what is even more disappointing is that we didn't even place in the top 3. What an upset and a total shock and surprise. And I am not speaking out of turn - there were so many people rooting for us.We were dancing! We were told that we were first all the way up to the the finals. WHAT HAPPENED?Rommel and I felt that we danced our best this night. We went to each judge and asked for feedback. Did someone mention that the majority of the judges live in California. Maybe it should be renamed a state championship as opposed to a national championship. Oh, except there was a couple from Miami who came in 3rd.This goes back to that same question: what are the judges looking for? The walk, elegance, embrace, musicality. We spoke to one judge who said that we needed to walk more. Another judge said that they were told not to take away points for crowding couples on the dance floor. That's news - when were they going to tell us this? After all we were crowded in all weekend by the couples in front and behind us. We danced as we would in a milonga, in a salon.I am told that we will receive our points in a forthcoming email.I don't mean to write an entire blog bitching about this nonsense but if the US wants a National Argentine Tango Salon Championship then they need to have judges who know and understand Argentine Tango for the Salon.Will we compete again? This has yet to be determined.Here's the final round - why don't you decide?