Connection and "Where are you"?

Boston Commons 2013Hello Tango Friends from the humidity of the northeast!"But it's not the humidity, it's the heat". No wait, "it's not the heat, it's the humidity that kills ya'". Anyway, either way, not moving is producing puddles around me as I type. I am in air conditioning but it doesn't seem to matter! But really, I am not complaining, I am enjoying my vacation in Boston, visiting old friends, favorite restaurants, discovering new ones, walking all over the place, listening to live music, it's great! I even dropped in on a milonga.It was a 3 tanda night for me (in a 1.5 hour window). It was nice to dance with new people. There was 1 particular tanda that made me want to write this blog. As I was describing my evening to another tango dancer (not in the same city) their first reaction was, "if the embrace isn't clear, the connection can't be and then neither one of you know where the other is. He can't find you, you can't find him". Yep! it's true! Now mind you, it wasn't a bad tanda. The music was great, the AC was cranked, he was sweet, but it felt as if I was having a first date with a guy with a heavy brogue.As I stood in front of him waiting for the music to start the scenario in my head went like this:Ok he's coming towards me to embrace me, no wait. Ok I put my right hand in his. O wait. Maybe he didn't want that 'cuz he just looked at it dramatically. Gee. I'm getting nervous. I'll just put my left arm around his back. Oh, no,  yes, no. Ok. we are embracing. NO he moved his right arm from around my back to my shoulder blade. So we're not ready. He starts to move at the same time but wait, I moved my left arm because he moved his right arm. Then he stops moving mid step. Are we readjusting? Why are we stopped. The music is still playing.I think most of the tanda was like this. Every time he readjusted his arm I took that as a message that he wanted to do something that might require me to readjust myself in his arms.I think by the 3rd song we started to be able to speak the same dialect! Mind you, it wasn't unpleasant. It just reminded me that we do our best, to focus on the dance at hand, in the moment, being present, connecting with that person. Being responsible for my part in the outcome of that tanda....So fun!So go practice your connection and your embrace tonight at Practicando!Rommel is teaching class from 7 - 8:30pm and then practice is until 10pmish. All happens at SNAP at 4425 N Granite Reef Road Scottsdale, AZ 85251. Raffle for wine at 9:30pm.See you in a few weeks!!


Adornos: those sweet embellishments


What Tango do you do? Bag the Labels and Make it Delicious!