Geneva to Istanbul
On the road again from Geneva to Istanbul.I attended a marathon in Geneva and stopped in Zurich and have one day in Berlin.I most recently learned that if you approach a leader and tell them that you would like to dance with them it is assumed that you are at a lower level! how about that... So many of these marathons are really hard to get dances with dancers you don't know already. So how else will a girl meet new dancers?? I did try approaching the apple slices at a recent marathon and asked the gentleman in question (who I had noticed not only at this marathon but elsewhere too.. ) if he'd like to finish the tanda. That seemed to work out ok and I had a nice end of the tanda and another one! And he actually smiled.Speaking of smiling - what a concept sometimes. I had heard this before that Americans smile too much or the smile is interpreted as fake. Well, in contrast I can see why! I also learned that women do not pay compliments to one another. I commented on one woman's beautiful haircut, she giggled and thanked me. And another woman had on a lovely necklace and I said so, she was the one who remarked that women don't pay compliments to each other. I said I enjoyed receiving them so why not give them out! Ah yes, the culture differences continue!I had the most surprisingly remarkable dances with 2 leads from France. Turns out that one of them was a contemporary dancer - NO WONDER! He was tall (not difficult) and so integrated in his body and his embrace - how refreshing! Simple in his dancing and lovely in his musical interpretations! I was so surprised..... and so happy! The second was from the same city and he had spent some time really immersed in Buenos Aires. His integration wasn't at clear but he was musical, he was energetic, really
really lovely to dance with.I spent another week in Zurich where it was sunny and warm for 2 days and then winter returned with rain and cold temperatures. I enjoyed more delicious chocolate from my favorite Chocolatier MAX. I went to 3 milongas and mingled with Argentines and Australians, Greeks, Chileans, Germans! I had several fantastic tandas with a young Australian doctor. I was able to share some Restorative Exercise and some Ladies Technique while there and sparked some more interest in what I love doing - Helping you to change your life!I wanted to also stress that although from the outside we see and love embellishments (ladies decorations), that they are not generated as a leg somewhere "out there", apart from the body. That leg that is generating a decoration, is inspired by the music, yes, but also from its connection to the standing leg/pierna de base. The decorations come from a clear understanding of the technique of tango, it all ties back to this. Just like the arms in the embrace aren't separate parts but connected to your torso/back. You create a lot of tension when you are working these appendages separately than supported by your whole.I have a one day turnover and I'm off to Istanbul. I am excited to be sharing a 3 x 3 as we are calling it. 3 main themes (walking,
sacadas, boleos) and immersing in them for 3 hours (not all at once!) I will also be doing 3 hours of Ladies Technique and 3 hours of Restorative Exercise. It is an action packed several weeks. My partner for this event is Irfan from TangoJean who I met in 2008 and his lovely partner Begum.I feel like I need to say something profound on how dance can help and impact people's lives, that it advocates for peace inherently but I have none really... I can only hope that as I share ideas about being aligned within oneself and that those who share time with me will recognize the strength and confidence that they can bring to any situation by understanding more about themselves.