Body as Autobiography - Back in Europe
I have been back in Europe for about 3 weeks now. This has included a trip to Berlin to assist Graciela Gonzalez with her classes.This time around I am staying in a sleepy town outside of Brussels called Mons. This will be my base for the next several months.The visit with Graciela was again, one of great reminders: 1) how much force, effort does one really need to dance tango? and 2) the embrace and how do we embrace? bringing us back to the essence of tango.It is so funny to me how much language gets in the way of the body. I have said this all through my teaching career and probably during my modern dance career too. How we each interpret information, as that information makes its' way through our autobiography into the body, completely fascinates me. How someone says something, when someone says anything, we are interpreting all of it through a filter, our own autobiographical filters.In Boston, before arriving to Europe, I had the joy of taking class again with some of my modern dancer friends with our teacher.
(Mind you, I can't remember the last time I set foot in that studio, so it was a lot of things and most of all, wonderfully familiar.) As I spoke to him (dear teacher Marcus Schulkind) briefly after class about an aspect of the body and the leg's movement backwards, he said something to the effect of "just take their leg and move it backwards, the physical movement will get them to understand." YES!There is a dance form in Bali where the passing on of the tradition is done through manipulation of the dancer's body. The transmitter of the dance actually manipulates the dancer's arms and legs for her to remember the "choreography". This makes me also reflect on the origins of tango, there were no schools, it was just manipulation of bodies to transmit the information corporally.After my weekend with Graciela, which is never only about me translating her classes but it is
always an intense revisit of the material of tango in my own body. And because I know that the body is also a "telling tool", it reveals to me where I have been and where I am. That tension? That stuck place? That block? They are all revealing where I am in my current journey and it's also affecting my dance. And so I learn, again!I am excited to report that I will be teaching around! Next stop Portugal!Please check my calendar for where I will be next and remember that the times on the calendar are stuck in USA Arizona time.