Tango: What the Dr. Orders
I love it when the Dr. orders tango. I know she is not the only one but here is a video from Dr. Christiane Northrup about how to keep your memory healthy and how you're not losing your mind after 40!I was first turned on to this leading pioneer in women's health in the US while living in Boston more than 20 years ago. I met her briefly in NYC at a large conference on health as she was the reason I went! She was one of the first medical doctors to openly talk about the connection between the mind and body and your health. The author of many books, Women's Bodies Women's Wisdom was first published in 1994 and I remember gifting it to as many of my girlfriends as possible.Of course, in this video, she talks about nutrition but the number one thing she recommends for people as they age is partner dancing and she, I know, loves to tango!
"76% reduced risk of dementia and Alzheimer's comes from doing partner dancing"!
and if you want to jump ahead in the video - go directly to 8:31 to hear Dr. Northrup talk about it!ENJOY! And DANCE MORE and with a partner even better!!!