Daniela Interviewed on Joe's Tango Podcast
Daniela Interviewed on Joe's Tango Podcast. I am so excited to be one of the guests interviewed on Joe's Tango Podcast. While in Boston Joe contacted me. He and I have some friends in common, as you can imagine in the tango world! I was delighted by the introduction by fellow dancer, Yumiko from San Francisco. Joe explains the goal of his podcast:
This podcast is for Argentine tango students who are starting to fall in love with the dance. We feature interviews with internationally renown tango instructors, event organizers, and musicians...all with the goal of gaining deeper insights into the dance. Tango is a lifelong journey, and the knowledge we gain from these conversations is designed to help challenge and motivate those seeking to improve.
It's a little long but hopefully you will enjoy some insights and tidbits. He asked a variety of questions ranging from remembering my first performance to talking about the role of the follower in the dance. I received a comment from a fellow dancer that she enjoyed the interview because she could relate to so many points. So that's nice to hear! Send me your thoughts!In the meantime I'm now in Austin, TX. You can find me here through the end of the year!Click here to listen to my Interview on Joe's Tango Podcast and check out the other interviews while you're there!