Video #9: Great Drill for Turning
Video #9 finally up - and it's a great drill for turning. Whether it's to understand your steps in turning better or to just understand how to use your whole body more efficiently. (These grapevine steps are sometimes referred to as a molinete or more in general a giro and they are part of the code for turning in Argentine Tango).
I love this drill!
I hear from many women about how they have worked so hard on their grapevine steps. So many of us have practiced them endlessly around a chair. I found working with chairs to be problematic for those of who are short or have short legs! I like this exercise because it begins to awaken the body to the fact that your WHOLE BODY IS DANCING!
Break it down first!
I know it might look a little overwhelming at first. Or you wonder, what about my balance?? SO do it in chunks! Remember tango is like a language, take one bite off at a time.
Consider drawing a rectangle on the floor so you can visualize what you want to do - I love to use different color tape! And then I suggest start with just the open step to the front cross step, as I do on the video. Do that a couple of times (maybe 100) in both directions. Keep noticing how the embrace attaches and communicates to those legs.
Then, do open step, to the back cross step, to the open step. Taking your time. In class I encourage students to feel the shape their bodies make in each position - if that works for those kinesthetic learners. Otherwise move the hula hoop and let it be your guide.
Number one tip to this is Don't look down! Look at the walls ahead of you.
#2 tip - notice where your feet are pointing. If your torso is leading you then your toes ought to be facing the direction you will be going.
#3 tip - remember - standing leg is your power! The pivot is not generated through the unweighted leg ("free" leg) it's generated on the leg that has weight.
#4 tip - I am doing it in my heels in the video! But you can start in your socks or your flat shoes and then work your way to heels.
#5 tip - and the last tip - is remember don't push the floor because you don't have to.
Please remember that videos do NOT take the place of actually having a lesson with an instructor.