Tango Success Stories!

[v_icon color="#444444" size="18px" target="_blank" name="moon-thumbs-up-2"]What is success in tango? Is it just learning a new dance to add to your list? Is it about meeting people and making new friends? I hear quite a bit about how Argentine Tango has changed people's lives. So in the spirit of the Top 10, here are my Top 3 for this year.Most of you know that I spend a significant amount of time teaching college students. This year Wes found Argentine Tango. He told me prior to starting that he knew he lacked social skills and didn't spend a lot of time interacting with members of the opposite sex. Wes dedicated the year to tango, 2 full semesters. He mentioned to me prior to the end of school that he enjoyed tango so much for the friends he had made in class. He felt that his confidence had significantly improved.Lisa met her current beau traveling to dance Argentine Tango in another city. She fell head over high heels for Argentine Tango and soon found time on her business trips to sneak tango in after her meetings. She has tango friends in nearly every major city in the US and now she has a beau too! Sounds like the best of both worlds!san diego tango fest milongaIt isn't enough to say that this passionate dance will build confidence, make you feel smart and sexy, and allow you to have tango friends all over the world but hear how Mabel found some stress relief.It is amazing how Mabel found tango at all. She worked full time and was pursuing a new career by going to school at night. But she knew that she needed a distractor, as she called it! So she, being very organized and committed, told me ahead of time what she wanted and how much she could dedicate to learning this dance. So she took a private lesson once a week and a group class when she could. She found that the time she focused on her tango classes allowed her to feel more relaxed and energized for her studies and allowed her to de-stress from her job.The Phoenix area has opportunities to enjoy this fun dance at least 3 times per week and sometimes more. Workshops, visiting artists, practice time, even tours to Buenos Aires, and quality instruction are available for those who want to learn the most impressive and elegant dance there is!Have a Wonderful New Year and may the Argentine Tango continue to inspire you!*names have been changed.  


Taxi Dancing


Chin Jutting to Sternum Hanging