Taxi Dancing

As we begin gearing up for another season of heavy festival hopping and you're debating on whether you want to go or not -  try this on for size...Rommel DancingSome of you may have read my previous blog on taxi dancing and I recently heard Rommel Oramas discussing taxi dancing in another community and found this information really fascinating  - it means doing some math!At a typical festival let’s say you buy a full pass (all classes and milonga) – but then you find that you are at the milongas and you don’t dance as much as you’d like and you feel badly about this. We know that tango is a lot about attitude: confidence and feeling good. So I know how at some milongas you might find yourself not dancing as much, maybe due to gender balance issues or who knows.Here's a possible solution -  consider getting just a milonga pass or a partial class and milonga pass (ie: 1 day of classes) and to invest the remainder of that fee or the difference on taxi dancing. Before you close the tab - hear me out!Think about it – a full festival pass could run between $250 - $450. (plus your hotel and your travel there)10 tandas during a festival with a taxi dancer runs between $100 - $150.Think about it ladies!!!!Benefits: with a good taxi dancer:1) you enjoy a dance, 2) you learn some things  (I learn from dancing all the time), and 3) you’re being seen by other dancers, which gets you more dances over the course of the weekend.Consider it when you’re planning your next festival.And I know of an excellent taxi dancer, discreet, handsome, smells good, charming, polite and of course, an excellent dancer who dances for you and with you.Rommel Oramas - Taxi Dancer - "at your dancing service" - follow him on Facebook!Don't spend another festival sitting, not even a little bit. 


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