Mini Summary and Checking Balance Video #5

This is Video #5 in my series for increasing flexibility, stability and mobility to improve your technique in the dance. This video includes a Mini Summary of the previous videos with a couple additions. I have put them into a little sequence as I really want you to find them manageable and do-able. Always progressing at your own pace, don't rush or push through any exercise that causes pain or discomfort. Remember the alignment in your feet in relation to your feet and knees and hips.Then, I add a balance exercise to the mini summary. The key with the balance exercise is to build some strength in the foot. I am using all the tools I have accumulated up to this point. These include: the articulations through the foot, clear alignment in the foot, no ankles wobbling in or out, the whole leg active in incorporating the whole body in the action, and really using the image of your whole spine helping you to rise onto that one leg. Use a chair or a wall or a barre or your kitchen island to help you rise and to help you in any part of the mini summary.In the video, I don't touch the subject of why I am putting the free leg behind my body but I'd like you to feel it in your body. Is it more challenging to put the free leg in front or more challenging behind? Also, I don't want any change in your pelvis either way (with the free leg front or back). Often times the articulation of the leg at the pelvis isn't very clear when the leg is in the front. When the leg is in the back there is a feeling of length up the front of the body that I want you to relate to. Don't bring that leg too high in the back, it's not about the position or height of the leg, it's just about creating more strength and connection through the standing leg.How's it going for your so far doing these exercises??Stay tuned for Video #6!


Walking Backwards Good for your Health


Up and Up and Up Video #4