Walking Backwards Good for your Health
Studies show what we already know as tango dancers, that Walking Backwards is good for your health! The studies mentioned in this article state that walking backwards not only boosts memory but can also help to burn fat. (I've been doing a lot of leading lately, clearly a reason to get back to following more!) And with that being said, GENTLEMEN, here's another reason for you to brush up those following skills!We know from Tango that walking backwards takes a bit of skill. We have to learn to trust our bodies and our partners. Not to mention have an awareness of our surroundings. The studies do not comment on walking backwards in heels!! But maybe that will be next on an agenda.Of course, one could critique the way in which the studies were conducted but I'm just excited that more people might vary their choices in exercises. There is no doubt in my mind that moving forwards, backwards, sideways, diagonally, up and down, crawling, that whole ranges of motion are good for you. Being a contemporary dancer for many years, I can attest to it being one of the best modes of exercise. So don't limit yourself, be creative and safe when adding things to your daily routines (before you put on the heels).The article cites several studies that have revealed cognitive boosts as well as fat burning capabilities to walking backwards. Recently, on my daily walk, I encouraged my elderly father to walk backwards just for a few yards. I have to say, it changed his posture and his stride length when he resumed walking forwards.I always encourage students to get more comfortable with walking in all directions. So why not grab that shopping cart and head for a big department store! It's great place to walk backwards through the aisles! (Although maybe not during the holiday season!) The shopping cart will help with balance and stability as you build those skills while looking right at home!In my next video in the Technique for Better Dancing series I will talk about walking in those heels!