Subscribe to My YouTube
I would love to reach 1000 subscribers - please subscribe to my YouTube Channel
There are more than a handful of helpful videos there as well, so take your time to peruse them!
Magic happens when I hit 1000 subscribers!
ok - not really! But it's a start to improving my web footprint! (Is that a thing? I might have just made that up!!)
I am also looking for some help, as in brainstorming, for the best way to use Patreon. So any takers - please send me a message. Thank you!
Online Movement Breaks
My Online Movement Breaks are continuing and picking up some momentum. You can still join and reap those benefits!
What I love about the Movement Breaks - is they are just that a BREAK - short and sweet, they get the body moving in different ways, they help you to connect to yourself (A BIG THING for most people and tango dancers), and you are moving in the comfort of your own home! How awesome is that! As I see it, I roll out of bed and onto the floor, tune into ZOOM and we're off!!!
If you're a bit nervous about starting out or not sure what to expect - check out a short clip on YouTube or just come on by - after I let you into Zoom and say hi to you, you can turn off your camera so I can't see you move or hear you breathe or grunt or yell or moan!!!!
For those Tango Dancers in the crowd - organizing your body is so important! And what I mean by that is connecting your moving parts so that you have more control over where they go, when, and how they go there. The Movement Breaks are all about getting that information to your body brains.
Sip & Sit
The 1st Sip & Sit will be on Cinco de Mayo and will be Happy Hour for some of you in the world. This is a class for using your chair for some fun and easy stretches; the kind you can sneak in during your day while you're sitting on it! With the extra benefit of BYOB! And please have a "flat chair" or bench available, those seats that suck you in are not great for you or for this class!
The Sip & Sit will have a separate Zoom ID and Password so be sure to join Online Movement Breaks Group on Facebook or message me.
Let's keep moving and staying positive! Much love from BA!