"I don't like to drink water", she said.
"I don’t like to drink water", she said.
"Really? You don’t like to drink water? How is it you don’t like water?" I replied surprised.
When one of my movement students told me this last week, I wanted to figure out a way to encourage her to at least attempt it. She was told by her Dr. that she should stay hydrated and she said she was drinking iced tea. I told her that tea would not really truly hydrate her. She said she didn’t like water. I asked her why she didn’t like water, she said she didn’t like the taste.
Fresh Lemon and Sea Salt
I remember while living in Arizona (where hydrating is VERY important), my fabulous foot reflexologist told me that water was the only true hydrator. Now, we could also argue too much water flushes the system of all minerals that it needs, but that's another topic. We can also talk about filtered water and ionized water. But today, what I’d like to encourage here is to consider drinking water with some lemon and a pinch of Himalayan or (preferably) Celtic sea salt. Especially those of you who don’t like the taste of water or can’t seem to want to drink any may find this doable. My amazing chiropractor in Austin, TX always recommends Celtic sea salt for those important trace minerals it provides such as magnesium and potassium. Your heart, your muscles, your kidneys, your nerves will thank you!
I am a firm believer that our body rejects things it doesn’t want or that it doesn’t assimilate properly. The body is very smart if we learn how to listen to it. I thought of lemon and salt as a possible solution when I heard that she didn’t like water. I had a feeling that maybe her body wasn’t receiving what it needed from consuming water.
Our body's are 60% water!
There are many benefits to adding some lemon and a little salt to your water. And yes, I too have read how maybe there are other beverages that may act as better hydrators but I say try this! After all our bodies are made up of water, about 60%! And different parts of the body are made up of varied concentrations of water. So, it's no wonder we ned water to help support their functions. (What percentage of the body is water?)
If you are one of those people who doesn't like to drink water, consider investing in a filtration system (it’ll save you in the long run). And jump start your health and healing by adding a little fresh squeezed lemon juice and a teeny pinch of salt to your water. See if your body is happy with that. Salt helps to bring in some necessary minerals to your cells. Lemons are rich in Vitamin C and also help to move uric acid out of your system.
I love Thyme is Honey’s infographic.
What’s your relationship with water?